So yea, I said I will be releasing a new episode of fearless friends every 2 weeks but guess what!? nope didn't happen! But for a good reason! My partners and I have been developing the script and is been a crazy phenomenon! Also, we have created a theme song for the Series! I am so Happy... wow i sound like a lil girl >.>. Anyway, that's the update, Fearless Friends Episode 2 or more like 1.5 Coming soon... Reason why i say 1.5 is because, this episode puts the story together. See, the original episode 1 Was like a wtf release... It was my first try at the new invented Stickman format, and i guess i pulled the trigger too early. nut hey, is never too late! Fearless Friends (FF) are coming out with a BOOM! hehe
boom heh heh i remenber i went boom boom in a leaf on boom boom moutain lol :3
Lmao wut?